Initial Safety Training - Human Factors and Human Performance

TS07 | 2 days

Current and emergent aviation Safety Training requirements specify that personnel at all levels of an organisation should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the safety management principles, human factors, and human performance issues in relation to their job function. In doing so supporting the fostering of a positive safety culture, but what does that really mean? Is your Safety Training programme just a ‘tick-box’ exercise to comply with the regulations, or would you like to see real and tangible benefits being delivered from fundamental shifts in your employees’ attitudes and behaviour?

In-Company Training

Please Enquire

Delivered exclusively for your company

How will this course benefit me?

This training course meets the requirements of all staff who need to complete Safety Training including a knowledge of Human Performance and Human Factors. Through engaging your staff and using facilitated learning, this course can serve as a major asset in helping you to reduce human errors and improve your organisation’s resilience to human error. Thereby improving safety levels, reducing time spent on rework and improving systems efficiency.

Attending this course will:

• Satisfy the needs of emergent regulation with respect to safety training across Pt 145, Pt CAMO, and Part 21organisations
• Ensure your staff understand the importance of human performance and human factors issues
• Enhance your staff’s awareness and engagement with your Just Culture philosophy
• Ensure your staff take personal responsibility for organisational safety
• Enhance your staff’s contribution to your Safety Management programme
• Reduce costs, rework, and wastage through the generation of ideas to improve efficiency by the people who do the job


Key areas of focus

• The origins of Safety Training related to Human Factors and its regulation
• Human performance and limitations
• Understanding human error, rule breaking and violations
• Potential sources of error in the working environment
• The benefits of reporting error promoting conditions as well as ‘system weaknesses’
• The importance and definition of professionalism and integrity
• Describing their organisation’s Safety Management System in order to highlight and reduce organisational risk

This course can be customised to ensure that it appropriately reflects your organisation’s profile

Is this course right for me?

The course is aimed at the whole range of aviation support organisations with an interest in developing their understanding of Safety, human performance and human factors. It is suitable for all trades and disciplines from shop-floor to middle management, including:

• Form 4 post holders
• Supervisors and Inspectors
• Certifying staff, support staff and mechanics
• Quality control/assurance staff
• Technical support staff, e.g. planners and technical records staff 
• Store department staff
• Ground equipment operators

There are no prerequisites for attending this course.

Course details
Course format: This course is a balanced mix of group discussions, flipchart work and PowerPoint presentations. Managed syndicate exercises give you the opportunity to practise the application and evaluation of new processes and techniques.
Course level: Foundation Level Training (F) is suitable for those with little or no prior knowledge of the subject who are looking to develop a fundamental level of understanding, competency and knowledge.
Assessment process: No formal assessment. Two-way dialogue and exercises within the course ensure the facilitator focuses on the greatest areas of need and optimises delegate learning.
Course size: 16 persons maximum at our Aviation Safety Academy or on-site at your facility.

This course can also be delivered in-company at your site facilities and if necessary adapted so that it meets the needs of managers looking to induct their teams and larger workforce in the concepts of Safety Management. Speak to a Baines Simmons learning advisor for more information.


Frequently asked questions

I had some Human Factors training a few years ago – do I need more training, and if so will this course be suitable?

If your previous training was two or more years ago, you will need to attend further training to comply with AMC 2 EU Part 145 A.30. (e). This two-day course reflects the latest thinking around Human Factors and will give you a comprehensive understanding of the subject, but if you have had more recent Human Factors training our one-day course (TS08) may be more suitable.

Is the in-house refresher training my company runs likely to be enough to comply with the regulation, or do I need to attend this course to be absolutely sure?

Refresher training is only suitable for those who have already attended initial training in Human Factors, i.e already have a good grasp of HF issues. Your in-house refresher training is unlikely to meet the initial training requirements of the EU Part 145.A.30 (e) regulation.

Does this course address all required topics as detailed in EU Part 145.A.30 (e), or are some topics missing?

The course covers the majority of the syllabus and can be tailored in-company to cover the remaining subjects, i.e your
organisation’s HF programme, disciplinary policy, etc. However due to the diverse range of organisations that attend the Baines Simmons academy, organisation specific HF policy cannot be covered for all. Consequently, attendees of academy courses will require in-house training in these areas when they return to their companies or as part of their pre-course training.